There are more than 150,000,000 orphaned children in the world. These kids, who have been separeted from their parents by death, abandonment, imprisonment or displacement, are the most vulnerable population in our world.
October 2, 2015
They live each day at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation, disease and even death. A crisis so vast and complex it requires a wide variety of solutions. We acknowledge the value of all kinds of organizations working at every point along the spectrum of care, from vilage-level poverty reduction and healthcare to kinship and foster care and adoptive placement.
Focusing on the most vulnerable
We at N.H.O have chosen to focus on one specific group of orphaned kids-those who cannot be safely or successfully reintergrated into their famillies or communities of origin.We believe that these children are served poorly by the institutional models, which fail to meet a child’s greatest need a stable, loving family that can provide long-term care support.

Improving, Not abandoning, Residential orphan care
We believe that we are creating a practical model that can be multiplied across the world and used by countless churches, local communities and child-care organizations. By fixing residential orphans care, rather than abandoning it, we can rescue and restore millions of children as God intended: within the context of loving family.
Raising children to be Independent Adults
We are raising these children to be functional, independent adults ready to support themselves in their home countries. Most will get jobs, mary and have children. Several already have hopes of working for New Hope for Orphans or in other ministries in the future to provide for other children in need in their local communities.
We believe that we are raising the next generation of leaders in Cambodia or other parts of the world. Children who will not only reach their own personal potential, but will work to rebuild and reform their home contries fro inside out.